Why I Jumped on the Essential Oil Bandwagon
About five years ago, I was well into my wellness journey, but had yet to discover the most powerful gift provided to us by God through nature. I was pregnant with my first child and was researching things that could help support my goals for a natural and healthy pregnancy, childbirth, and baby. In my research online, information on essential oils kept on coming up, but I kept dismissing it. At the time, I knew nothing about essential oils and had only experienced them during a massage or heard about them through the label on a lotion or bath gel that mentioned a description such as, “relaxing lavender scent”. The idea that they were just a smell was my early understanding and lent to my initial rejection because
“How could a smell help me with childbirth?!”
However, more and more information on oils kept popping up in my searches, so I gave in and took an online class for essential oils for pregnancy, delivery, and baby to see what it was all about.
What I learned was astounding! The benefits were so amazing, and I left the class knowing that the smell itself (which was originally what I thought was all they were for) was nothing more than a great side benefit.
Here are the basics….
· Essential oils have a variety of properties that provide amazing support for our body’s systems. In the plants, essential oils provide protection and healing because they work to support the plant in its fight against things like fungus and bacteria. Essential oils come to us with experience.
· Essential oils are made up of incredibly tiny molecules. One drop contains 40 million trillion molecules. Because the molecules are so small they permeate through our cell membranes and do work on the cellular level. When we apply oils to our skin they are absorbed and go throughout our body. If we inhale an essential oil, the molecules are, again, going right into our bodies, permeating through our cell membranes, and doing work at the cellular level. Once I understood that the oils were actually getting into my system, it made a lot more sense to me how they could work in my body. One drop of essential oil on the bottom of your feet (I mention feet because your feet have large pores!) can reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes.
· Essential oils can have a profound effect on our emotions. Of all of our 5 senses, the sense of smell is the only one that is directly connected to the limbic part of the brain which is our emotional control center. And it’s not just about “smell” in the way we usually think of it. When you smell something it’s because the molecule went up your nose. Gasp. Sometimes we might not want to remember that tidbit of info, however, in this case the essential oil molecules are actually traveling up your nose and stimulating nerve endings that are directly connected to the limbic part of the brain. Things like heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, hormone balance, all emanate from this region. Essential oils are able to impact these functions because of this direct communication.
· Essential oils have the highest frequencies of anything known to man. If you don’t know anything about frequencies here’s the quick explanation. Everything has a frequency (electromagnetic vibrational frequency). They can be measured on something called a spectometer. More on this another day, but to explain simply, different parts of our bodies each have their own unique frequencies. Essential oils can be used to support specific parts of our bodies by pairing oils of certain frequencies to parts of our body with similar frequency. Our bodies also resonate, as a whole, at a specific frequency. If our body’s natural frequency is lowered, we become susceptible to cold and flu, lowered further chronic disease etc. Essential oils, because of their very high frequencies can help to bring our body’s frequency back up to where it should be to support optimal health both psychologically and physiologically.
· Essential oils have the highest ORAC value of anything known to man. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorption capacity. Have you heard about the need to combat free radicals or how we age faster due to free radical damage? Picture an apple cut in half. After a short time, it begins turning brown. This is free radical damage. This damage is happening in our bodies continually and can cause early aging and have a wide variety of other negative effects. We need to eat a diet of foods that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants stop free radical damage. Blueberries are a great one! However, while blueberries have an ORAC value of 4,669 clove essential oil has an ORAC value of 1,078,700. Its astounding! Essential oils are amazing antioxidants.
But here’s the kicker. You can throw all of the info you just learned in the trash if you aren’t using truly pure essential oils, and if you got your oils on Amazon or at Walmart or the local health food store you’re probably not.
Quality is of utmost importance. Since I was pregnant when I first began using oils, I did a lot of research which initially left me frustrated. Did you know that the labels “100% pure” or “Therapeutic grade” are unregulated terms? Yep, anyone can throw that label on a bottle and it means nothing! This is similar to some frustrations you may have with food labels like how “all natural” actually holds no standard. 77% of essential oils being sold are synthetic. 22% are natural but altered. Only 1% are actually pure therapeutic essential oils. The only way to know what you’re getting is to trust the company you are getting your oils from and to know the standards they hold. I ended up choosing Young Living Essential Oils, which I believe to have the absolute best, highest quality essential oils. You can check out more info on their Seed to Seal standard here. So much goes into getting an essential oil that you can truly benefit from. From the seed they start with, to the farming practices, and the method of extraction, Young Living uses the best most sustainable methods to get pure, high quality oils into the hands of everyone.
The absolute best way to begin using essential oils is by ordering your Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. It is a super discounted package deal worth over $300 for only $165 plus tax and shipping. You get 12 of what we would consider the daily essential type oils, a beautiful diffuser, Thieves Hand Purifier, and Thieves Cleaner Packet. Click HERE to order and earn all of the perks of being part of my group! You will also receive some oily accessories and info in the mail as a gift from me to you! I want to get you started and be by your side throughout your oily journey!
Wishing you wellness, purpose, and abundance,